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日期:[2019-12-6 9:56:29]   共阅[1566]次


We will reform and improve the ways that vocational colleges conduct examinations and enrollment, encourage more high school graduates, demobilized military personnel, laid-off workers, and rural migrant workers to apply, and this year achieve a large-scale expansion of one million in student enrollments.


We will expand the coverage of scholarships and grants for vocational college students and raise the level of financial assistance, and speed up work to align vocational technical grade certificates with academic credentials.


We will reform the operating mechanisms of vocational colleges, strengthen work on building the teaching workforce, and raise the quality of vocational education.


We will reform the operating mechanisms of vocational colleges, strengthen work on building the teaching workforce, and raise the quality of vocational education.


The central government will greatly increase fiscal support for vocational colleges, and local governments should also strengthen their support.


A state scholarship for secondary vocational education will be established.


We will support enterprises and private actors in providing vocational education, and speed up work to build instruction centers that integrate technical training and academic education.


Through major reforms and the development of modern vocational education, we will move faster to train the different types of technicians and skilled workers urgently needed in China’s development, enabling more young people to gain professional skills and realize their potential and producing a vast range of talent ready to shine bright.



















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