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日期:[2019-11-22 9:45:55]   共阅[1513]次
We pursued balanced development across rural and urban areas and regions and sped up the formation of a pattern of positive interplay.
The rural revitalization strategy was implemented with vigor; grain output was kept above 650 million metric tons.
Solid progress was made in the pursuit of new urbanization, and close to 14 million people originally from rural areas gained permanent urban residency.
We took solid action in the three critical battles and made good progress in carrying out key tasks.
 We drew up and began the systematic implementation of a three-year action plan for the three critical battles.
We made steady progress in structural deleveraging, handled risks in the financial sector prudently and appropriately, prevented and controlled local government debt risks, and reformed and improved mechanisms for conducting regulation over the real estate market.
We made further progress in precision poverty alleviation. We strengthened poverty relief capacity, increased budgetary input, and encouraged society to assist poverty alleviation. The self-development capacity of poverty-stricken areas was steadily enhanced.
We launched an all-out fight to keep our skies blue, our waters clear, and our land pollution-free.
Energy and transportation structures were upgraded. The replacement of coal with natural gas and electricity in North China was steadily advanced.
The system of river chiefs and lake chiefs was established across the country. The use of both chemical fertilizers and pesticides was reduced.
Inspections and law enforcement for environmental protection were strengthened. And we took active steps to respond to climate change.
We deepened supply-side structural reform and steadily unleashed the dynamism of the real economy.
We strengthened work to cut ineffective supply, foster new growth drivers, and reduce costs in the real economy.
We made progress in using market mechanisms to cut capacity in the steel and coal industries.
Measures were implemented to ensure stable investment; as a result, investment in manufacturing and private investment rebounded markedly.
 Policies were adopted to stimulate consumer spending. Internet Plus initiatives were advanced across the board, and new technologies and models were used to transform traditional industries.
We deepened efforts to streamline government functions and cut taxes and fees. A number of government permits were abolished, the reform separating permits from the business license was implemented nationwide, the time needed to start a business was considerably shortened, and the types of industrial production permits were cut by over a third.
Oversight conducted through the random selection of both inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release of results was implemented nationwide.
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